Thoughts for low prep, impromtu games

I read a blog post recently, which I’ll have to try and dig out from my NetNewsWire again. Though, it wasn’t entirely about what I was excited about.

The article was talking about how some modes of TTRPGs are underserved, compared to sword and sorcery. They listed a few other thoughts, but the part I cared most about was the self-directed nature of some adventures that the players could go on.

Returning ‘gold as experience’, adventurers would mostly go plundering without too much concern about impact on a story. It tightens the normal adventure loop up to just Find Job -> Complete Job -> Loot -> Spend Loot.

The article talked about this kind of gameplay having a high casualty rate for characters. That’s much less of an issue because their emotional ties to world aren’t that great: the intent of the game is to fight things and take their stuff. A number of people in my group like making new character concept, so they probably wouldn’t mind some fast-levelling-fast-dying. They’d enjoy the opportunity to go through character creation again.

An issue I keep having as a DM is that I pick up ‘one shot’ slots in my group rotation and when the game inevitably runs over a single session, everyone really wants to get back into the regular campaign (including me!), so my stories never really get finished.

This world wouldn’t worry to much about that though. Since it’s probably just one Long Rest in length, it will most likely only last one session. There’s no real story to round off nicely and no need to set up a cliffhanger or tension for the next time we play. The intent would be to stick to that tight loop, completing it one evening.

There would be very little need to remember what happened last session, which could have been days or months ago. All the history that needs to be kept is the party’s inventory and the state of the base. Stuff that’s already kept on the character sheet anyway.

On the other side of that coin, preparation will only take a few moments too. An available battle map makes up the environment and there are a few encounter builders around to make a fun battle.

Game play flow chart

This comes from the OSR subreddit (via QuestingBeast’s newsletter) and I think it’s a great idea for adventure writing.

The original author was considering this for a table of contents, which I think would be a misstep. It is a really nice, evocative piece of work though.

From u/Raphael_Sadowski on Reddit.

Spooky vibes?

I was thinking earlier today that I haven’t posted here in a while.

I also have been thinking that I should worry less about publishing finished ideas, as I frequently tail off before that point. Then, the idea goes, forgotten, forever.

So why not plant that seed here? It will go unnurtured but at least it can get a couple roots down, to let it weather the storm of amnesty that inevitably comes.

Also so, I am an old fashion into a train journey escaping a long week, so here’s just a fucking photo of the blog post.

(I have at least checked that OCR can parse something out of it, for you screenreading devotees.)

Let me know on mastodon if you have any other recommendations for spooky metafiction.

The only things we know about the Mirth Gate

Despite all the media attention Seraph Moore has had over the past four months, he is now barely recognisable from his headshot sent to me by his media team. The give away as I take my seat opposite the diner table from him is his telltale yellow cravat, which sits, tossed aside, next to his full English breakfast.

“Sunlight is an issue, down at camp,” he says, which explains the pale complexion his skin has taken on. Even his eyes seem ringed with emerald when the morning light catches behind his glasses. “The plan is that by the time I get back, there will be some solution to that.” He waves his hand to dismiss the thought. I get the feeling he has bigger fish to fry.

When I ask if he’s willing to go on the record with the “down at camp” remark he bites his lip, as I imagine he’s running through a mental checklist that his legal team have given him. “It was just an expression,” he decides. “Down” alone would be the scoop of the year.

The location of the Mirth Gate is still only known to a few handful of people on Earth – and a couple who at any given time may not actually be on a Earth at all, if the theories around the Gate are to be believed.

I have 10 minutes with Seraph which was begged for via a friend of a friend, and was only agreed to on the condition that I could bring him coffee beans from a Nottingham roastery that was local to me, but not anywhere near the Brighton seaside that Seraph would be conducting his UK business from in the eight hours he’s here. The greasy spoon, which was supposedly a pitstop before moving onto the makeshift hotel room-and-office, is already a live with others waiting their turn to speak with the Head Scientist.

“It wouldn’t help you to know,” Seraph said when I asked him if he could at least narrow down the continent the Mirth Gate was discovered. When I press for more, whether he means that cryptically, whether it wouldn’t help because there’s some “non-universal” physics at work, or if he simply meant the world wouldn’t be better off by knowing, he takes a bite from his toast and leaves the time-wasting silence lingering.

Seraph has been in charge of the Mirth Gate Research Project since the original research lead, Rodger Mirth, went missing in circumstances that the Project has been tight lipped on. Mirth’s first paper, published in International Journal of Thermal Sciences six months ago, revealed that he and his team of cave divers and deep-hole specialists had uncovered an unnatural rock formation which gave off an unusual heat signature that was not radioactive in nature. Attached to the paper was the only publicly released photograph of the Gate. (The torch lit, underexposed photo remains the only released photo.) It was only after efforts from people whose interests extend past thermal dynamics looked at the photograph that more was discovered about it: glyphs like Celtic runic inscriptions were chiselled into the rock.

The free standing, stone archway captured the attention of the mainstream media in a frenzy that hasn’t let up in the months following, despite any further news coming from the research team. Clinging to Mirth’s paper, drawing out every line of it until all interpretations possible have been made about it, it’s now difficult for any one to keep track of what makes sense. With no guidance from those with first hand experience of the Project, an entire scientific field of non-universal physics has sprung to life, branching away from the mind bending theoretical sciences into the down right strange.

“We are juggling many plates. Some days progress is slow, some days there are a string of breakthroughs one after another. The world will have to be patient. The science put forward by these… novices is not dangerous, per se. They are writing science fiction though. We will give a full report when we understand what it is we have.”

Are you able to tell us who is funding the project? “No.” Are you able to tell us which journal you will be publishing your findings in? Which subject area, even. “No.” Can you say how many people are working on the project? “No.” Are there military implications to the findings? “I cannot say.”

It’s clear now why, in the few days away from the secret location of the Mirth Gate, there have been so few interviews with the press. There’s very little, maybe nothing, that can be revealed yet.

Instead of running at the same wall again in my last few moments, I simply ask how he’s doing.

“The project is going at a sustainable pace. We should have more soon.”

No, sorry, how are you doing? Seraph Moore looks at me and I think for a moment I’ve offended him. But in fact he’s looking right past me. I see for a moment a fluttering of breath and wonder if there’s any you in there.

A woman who seems to have had much more sleep than Seraph touches him on the shoulder, says they must be going, and the diner is empty in a few seconds. The scientist’s full English is complete save for a single bite of unbuttered toast.

I’m working on a video game! It’s been a while and progress is going quite well. It’s been three weeks or so now, and I’m covering the journey (when I have something to show off) over on

It’s a dungeon crawl game, inspires by Nethack and Stargate and Neopets (I’m not entirely kidding on that last one).

I know what you’re thinking: does it have the Three Principles? It does not. It might have one! But not yet.

Old Maps and Starchasers

The oceans have always been eyed up greedily by humankind. Transport by boat was crucial for emergence of empires and economies over the few hundred years, and remains so today. Shipping routes aren’t the only thing to be jostling for; what’s in (and under!) the oceans are crucial too, from oil to food.

Our jobs are much easier nowadays with fossil fuel powered, enormous ships, not to mention highly accurate maps and nautical equipment.

Maps aren’t new though. They are more prolific, but there are many maps we have of older civilizations. These maps, especially before 1300AD, show other issues with traveling through the inky green: dozens of sea monsters.

A mosaic of a lion-sea creature. Its upper body is lion-like, but its lower half is a long fish tail, coiled around itself.

I’m reading Sea Monsters on Medieval and Renaissance Maps (Chet van Duzer) and couldn’t help but do a bit of world building here. The images in this blog post are scans of part of this book. (With hundreds more in the book!)

The creatures range from sea-pigs, to merfolk, to leviathans that could be mistaken for islands. In fact a common supposition was that “every land creature has an aquatic equal”. These creatures appear all over the world, corroborated on multiple maps. They were discussed in Green literature, known as “ketos”. Marco Polo in 1254 writes of spells needed by the pearl farmers which they incant to keep away the sea monsters.

An adorable pig-dog. A stocky creature with something like a dog's face, a pig's body, and flippers.
A “pig-dog”. I can’t imagine this guy was a menace. A familiar, maybe?

Then, quite suddenly, these warnings of sea monster being to disappear from new maps. Rare and rarer still throughout the 1500s, until today where maps are very dry. The oceans are empty of most nuisances, other than weather (which we’ve never really been able to tame). Not a winged sea dragon or a ichthyocentaur to be found.

What happened to them?

There is a place where these creatures can still be found, and witnessed quite safely by every person on Earth. Look up. What made the ketos disappear from our oceans and reappear as constellations?

Order of the Seraphic Seas

The Order existed for a few hundred years and then was dissolved once their job was completed. Their singular aim, given to them by the church and funded by vested merchants, was to tame the seas.

They did this, quietly and with great honor, by hunting the seas for “ungodly” creatures and extincting them by force. These paladins were efficient and thorough. As the might of man stood against the ketos, there was no doubt about the end of this road. The ketos would be wiped out.

A gentleman playing a lute with a fiddle, except he's half sea-creature. Like a centaur, but if it was a sea dragon instead of a horse.
An ichthyocentaur. Apparently that’s what this is.

The smarter, more sentient of these creatures, made a deal with something for protection. Like Noah and his arc, the creatures who accepted the offer of help were swept away from their waters to safety.

They shelter in the cosmos now, their eyes glinting down at night, watching. Awaiting a return? Trapped in a pact they can’t escape?

Whatever they were doing, they were exterminated from the seas and so the job was done for the Order.

The Starchasers

But stars don’t always stay in the sky. “Tiny, harmless meteors,” we’re told. “Safely crashed into the ocean, causing no harm,” they say.

Some escape the hell they were confined to, in the maddening space between silence and dark. In their escape, they make a beeline for the place they once called home.

It’s possible before the Order that these creatures were aggressive only in protecting their home. Now though, centuries of abyssal torture has driven them mad and their fury is all they have left. Not only that, but the vile darkness has left its mark on them. Twisting them. Granting them unearthly strength.

With the Order gone, it falls to a much more ramshackle group to deal with the mess. (This is where the players come in!) The Starchasers hunt down these creatures – on land or at sea – to finish off the Sepharific duties of the Order.

I think this is a fine premise for a monster of the week style game, and you’ve got hundreds of ideas for bad guys from actual maps. And, of course, cryptids.