I’m on holiday where I’ve found myself with a huge amount of time to be writing.
I stumbled across an image of a man scuba diving which I couldn’t parse straight away – the seabed dust was being kicked up obscuring a lot of the photo. The man was holding a little machine to help propel him through the water. To my eye, in this hazy image, the man was a dwarf holding his pick in the murky depths.
Since then I haven’t stopped thinking about an underwater dwarf civilisation, and how they would end up there. With a liberal use of the Water breathing spell by tribal-like sorcerer leaders, and a helping hand for a god or two, I think I’ve come up with a fun little story.
What’s most fun is that their isolation means that they can be there in your story, but never come up. Maybe there’s a legend or two of a ship travelling the ocean coming across the dead, bloated body of a dwarf where a dead dwarf has no business being. Or maybe a spark of wild magic transported a leugart onto dry land.
I added some notes in to make them possible player characters, but I quite like them being story-based, like the duergar.