The honk of a quagmire duck is the last thing any adventurer wants to hear when crossing a bog. Their territory stretches as far as they can be heard, or at least that’s what they seem to like to think. These multi-headed, tar soaked ducks are vicious and hot headed, with a recklessness that rivals a manic barbarian.
The number of heads a quagmire duck has varies between two and four, each with its own long, opposable neck.
Swamp Life
Quagmire ducks spend most of their life with all but one of their heads underground, reach down as far as they can to find any lurking fish. One of their heads is always kept above ground, as high as it can be, sweeping the surroundings for interlopers.
Their strong wings let them swim through the loose mud as if it were water. This leaves them with their distinctive brown gloss, sticking to their feathers added an impressive layer of impact absorption from any potential attackers.
Blind Rage
The most insulting compliment to pay on of these ducks is to take a step closer to it. This appears to override any sense of self-preservation, flipping a switch within the bird from its typical graceful manner into a rabid killer. For some time this was considered a defensive mechanism, but those who are able to communicate with the ducks have explained that the bird loses itself to its rage even when it knows it’s sure to die.
The ducklings do not present like this. It’s only in adulthood does this craze take over.
Flying mounts. There have been three instances in recorded history of gnomes using quagmire ducks as mounts. Each time, it was only as a result of an extended period of bonding between the two. Small creatures can use them as mounts, but keeping control of them does not seem likely.
Quagmire Duck
Medium beast, chaotic.
Armour class: 14, Hit points: 154 (28d8+28), Speed: 30ft. Fly: 20ft.
Str: +3, Dex: +3, Con: +1, Wis: 0, Int: 0, Cha: -4
Skills. Perception: +6. Senses: Dark vision. (60ft.) Passive perception: 16. Languages: none.
Challenge: 5 (1,800 XP)
Keen Sight. Has advantage of Perception checks which require sight, due to having a bunch of heads.
Multiattack. Gets an attack for each head.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (1d12 + 2) piercing damage.
I had a dream about this guy, so I figured I’d write him up.